Trademark Law Certificate Course

Enroll in the Trademark Law Program to learn about techniques of Trademark Law.

University of Pennsylvania

Course Overview

The course based on trademark law helps in examining the fundamentals of US trademark law and the various ways in which the manufacturer of various products and sources can establish and protect their identities and their products in the marketplaces. The trademark of products comes under intangible assets and hence is very essential for any company. The course will help in exploring the various types of trademarks and their identification. This includes vanes, design, logos, trademarks etc. Apart from these the strategies needed to strengthen the marls of and the layouts of the trademark will be taught. The steps for filing the federal trademark protection are also explained. The final parts are the designing and maintenance to protect, extend, and maximize the values of the trademark, and also discuss the strategies for proving response to any form of trademark infringements.

What you'll learn

  • Marketing
  • Brand management
  • Strategic planning
  • Value proposition


  • Basic knowledge of trademark
  • A computer or laptop with internet connectivity.
  • Learn about techniques of trademark law in approximately 18 hours.
  • Flexible work schedule.

AccessTo Career Resources with Trademark Law course

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Enhanced Employability:

An outstanding Trademark Law Program that increases your chances of landing the best jobs.


Competitive Advantage:

An opportunity to stand out from the competition and make a more significant impression on potential employers.


Skill Validation:

Robust validation of Trademark Law skills confirms that you can complete all related tasks.


Networking Opportunities:

Managing Trademark Law courses provides ample networking opportunities for participants. Learners can connect with classmates and industry professionals through cooperative exercises, group discussions, and interactive seminars.


4.8 Course (232 reviews)

Beginner level



1-4 Weeks

Earn certificate credit

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