What should be the length of your CDR?

CDR or Competency Demonstration Report is a document which is essential for getting a job as an engineer in Australia.The requirement and guidelines for your CDR are provided by Engineers Australia, the final deciding authority in this regard. CDR consists of
- Three Career Episodes (CEs),
- Summary Statement (SS), and
- Career Professional Development (CPD)
While writing this document, proper care must be taken like language, length of CDR, the coherence etc. because once rejected, you only get another chance after 11 months. Therefore, many working engineers seek help from professional CDR services.
Many engineers from India also try their luck with CDR while applying for work visa of Australia. Our CDR writing servicesare based in Delhias well as all over India, to assist them in the same.
Challenges in Writing CDR
CDR is an official document that follows some specific guidelines. All these guidelines are very comprehensive in nature and require extreme alertness while attempting a CDR. Engineers often are not familiar with those requirements, however, our CDR report writers in India are well adept in all those specifications.
One such important dimension is the length of CDR, which we will be discussing, in this write-up, in detail.
Length of CDR
Each career episode, as well as the summary, needs to be of requisite length. Exceeding it can lessen your chances of getting a job in Australia.
The length of each career episode should be 1500-1700 words long. As there are 3 career episodes, the total length of career episode is limited to 4500-4800 words. Our CDR writing experts have all the experience of limiting your CDR under this.
The summary statement, also a part of CDR, has word limit. Summary statement must be from 1500-1700 words long.This makes the total length of CDR to 6000-6800 words.
What to Write in a CDR?
The CDR, as discussed earlier, includes three career episodes and a summary. But, the pertinent question is what is to be written in them.Here, we have tried our level best to answer it.
The first and second career episode mainly covers the theoretical project that you have undertaken in the third semester of your engineering. The third career episode covers the practical project, which is related to the internship, undertaken in the eighth semester of engineering.
The summary statement is summary of all the three career episodes and it must be written in the form of a table.
As you have become aware of the all these details about the CDR and its challenges, it is advisable to seek some expert CDR services.
We are also a trusted CDR writing services provider in India and have some unique selling points.
Our USPs
- Affordable CDR writing services: We are one of the most economical CDR writing services.
- Zero plagiarism: Our advanced software tools scan each and every word from your CDR to identify any copied content.
- On-time delivery: We pledge to provide you high quality CDR services within the stipulated time-frame.
You can contact us any time as we are available 24/7. CDR report samples can be viewed at our India Assignment Help website.
We also provide easy payment options like credit card, debit card, Payment Gateway etc. Therefore, if you are aspiring to an engineering job in Australia, we are the best chance for you.